When tomorrow starts without me,and I'm not here to see,If the sun sho Traducción - When tomorrow starts without me,and I'm not here to see,If the sun sho español cómo decir

When tomorrow starts without me,and

When tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not here to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes,
filled with tears for me.
I wish so much you wouldn't cry,
the way you did today,
while thinking of the many things
we didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me
as much as I love you,
and each time you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.
When tomorrow starts without me,
don't think we're far apart
for every time you think of me,
I'm right there in your heart.
A Letter from Heaven, Emotional and meaningful
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Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not here to see, Should If the sun rise and find your eyes, Filled With tears for me. I wish so much you would not cry, the way you did today, while thinking of the many things we did not get to say. I know how much you love me as much as I love you, and each time you think of me, I know you'll miss me too. When tomorrow starts without me, don ' t think we're far apart for every time you think of me, I'm right there in your heart. A Letter from Heaven, Emotional and meaningful
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
When tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not here to see,
Should If the sun rise and find your eyes,
Filled With tears for me.
I wish so much you would not cry,
the way you did today,
while thinking of the many things
we did not get to say.
I know how much you love me
as much as I love you,
and each time you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.
When tomorrow starts without me,
don ' t think we're far apart
for every time you think of me,
I'm right there in your heart.
A Letter from Heaven, Emotional and meaningful
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Resultados (español) 3:[Dupdo]
Cuando mañana empieza sin mí,
y no estoy aqui para ver,
si el sol debe levantarse y encontrar sus ojos,
llenos de lágrimas por mí.
deseo tanto que no llores,
de la manera que hiciste hoy,
mientras pensaba en las muchas cosas
no llegamos a decir.
sé lo mucho que amas
tanto como te amo,
y cada vez que piensas de mí, y sé que me vas a extrañar demasiado.
cuando mañana empieza sin mí,
Creo que no estamos lejos aparte
por cada vez que piensas de mí,
estoy ahí, en tu corazón.
una carta del cielo, emotiva y significativa
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