oh i'll earn it don't u worry lol. k its http://bit.ly/1NH67TN and u s Traducción - oh i'll earn it don't u worry lol. k its http://bit.ly/1NH67TN and u s español cómo decir

oh i'll earn it don't u worry lol.

oh i'll earn it don't u worry lol. k its http://bit.ly/1NH67TN and u should see a lil button to accept my invite and create your profile. u just click on that.
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
oh i'll earn it lol do not u worry. K its http://bit.ly/1NH67TN and u should see a lil button to accept my invite and create your profile. or just click on that.
Está traduciendo, por favor espere..
Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
Oh, I gain no worries u lol. K your http://bit.ly/1NH67TN yu should see a button to accept my lil invite and create your profile. U just click it.
Está traduciendo, por favor espere..
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