№2 1. The woman mentions which TWO features of the museum?Where the mu Traducción - №2 1. The woman mentions which TWO features of the museum?Where the mu ruso cómo decir

№2 1. The woman mentions which TWO

1. The woman mentions which TWO features of the museum?

Where the museum is located

What you can learn about Blueswick history

What you can buy in the gift shop

How many rooms there are

How many parks there are in the area
2. Which TWO statements are true about the museum’s schedule?

It is closed in December.

It is closed seven days a year.

It is closed two days a year.

It is open for one-hour guided tours on weekdays.

It is open for eight hours during the day.
3. Which TWO tour options are available for visitors?

A one-hour tour

A forty-five minute tour

An audio-guided tour

A self-guided tour

A half-day tour with a picnic
4. Which TWO facts are mentioned about the wildlife at Blueswick?

The animals on display are rare in the Blueswick area.

The Blueswick eagle cannot be seen elsewhere.

The exotic fish are unique to the Blueswick area.

Only bears and eagles are native to Blueswick.

There are increasing numbers of bears in the area.
5. Which TWO facts are mentioned about eating in connection with a museum visit?

You can only have coffee in a nearby café.

There is an inexpensive restaurant at the museum.

There are cheap places to eat nearby.

You can eat your lunch in a park close by.

There are only water fountains on the museum grounds.
6. Which TWO facts are most likely true about the Blueswick Museum?

It is not appropriate for large groups.

It is located in a rural area.

It is a place to spend the whole day.

It is a family friendly place.

It does not have an available car park.
1. The conversation is mainly about which ONE topic?

The importance of a mobile phone in emergencies

The health risks when using a mobile phone

The pros and cons of having a mobile phone

The importance of using a hands-free set when driving

The extra things a mobile phone can do
2. he woman tells the man that she objects to owning a mobile phone for which TWO reasons?

She believes people would bother her all the time.

She believes that mobile phones are no help in an emergency.

She believes that she would use the phone while driving.

She believes they are a health risk.

She believes mobile phones are too expensive.
3. For which TWO reasons does the woman think hands-free sets for cars are dangerous?

The energy they release causes cancer.

Drivers only drive with one hand.

People cannot concentrate on two things at the same time.

Drivers do not focus on the traffic when they are speaking.

Hands-free sets cause many accidents.
4. Which TWO of the following are accurate restatements of parts of the story the man tells about his friend?

Someone tried to steal her handbag.

Only her mobile phone was stolen.

Both her handbag and mobile phone were stolen.

She could not call the police from her mobile phone.

Her mobile phone was not in her handbag.
5. Which TWO statements about the woman are likely to be true?

She prefers to exercise outdoors.

She lives close to her mother.

She likes to have time to herself.

She is not interested in music.

She does not enjoy telephone conversations.
6. For which TWO reasons does the man mention exercise in the conversation?

To give an example of how useful a mobile phone can be

To make a connection to one of the woman’s interests

To explain what he means by an emergency

To try to persuade the woman to buy a mobile phone

To convince the woman that a mobile phone is safe

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Resultados (ruso) 1: [Dupdo]
№2 1. The woman mentions which TWO features of the museum?Where the museum is locatedWhat you can learn about Blueswick historyWhat you can buy in the gift shopHow many rooms there areHow many parks there are in the area 2. Which TWO statements are true about the museum’s schedule?It is closed in December.It is closed seven days a year.It is closed two days a year.It is open for one-hour guided tours on weekdays.It is open for eight hours during the day.3. Which TWO tour options are available for visitors?A one-hour tourA forty-five minute tourAn audio-guided tourA self-guided tourA half-day tour with a picnic4. Which TWO facts are mentioned about the wildlife at Blueswick?The animals on display are rare in the Blueswick area.The Blueswick eagle cannot be seen elsewhere.The exotic fish are unique to the Blueswick area.Only bears and eagles are native to Blueswick.There are increasing numbers of bears in the area.5. Which TWO facts are mentioned about eating in connection with a museum visit?You can only have coffee in a nearby café.There is an inexpensive restaurant at the museum.There are cheap places to eat nearby.You can eat your lunch in a park close by.There are only water fountains on the museum grounds.6. Which TWO facts are most likely true about the Blueswick Museum?It is not appropriate for large groups.It is located in a rural area.It is a place to spend the whole day.It is a family friendly place.It does not have an available car park.№31. The conversation is mainly about which ONE topic?The importance of a mobile phone in emergenciesThe health risks when using a mobile phoneThe pros and cons of having a mobile phoneThe importance of using a hands-free set when drivingThe extra things a mobile phone can do2. he woman tells the man that she objects to owning a mobile phone for which TWO reasons?She believes people would bother her all the time.She believes that mobile phones are no help in an emergency.She believes that she would use the phone while driving.She believes they are a health risk.She believes mobile phones are too expensive.3. For which TWO reasons does the woman think hands-free sets for cars are dangerous?The energy they release causes cancer.Drivers only drive with one hand.People cannot concentrate on two things at the same time.Drivers do not focus on the traffic when they are speaking.Hands-free sets cause many accidents.4. Which TWO of the following are accurate restatements of parts of the story the man tells about his friend?Someone tried to steal her handbag.Only her mobile phone was stolen.Both her handbag and mobile phone were stolen.She could not call the police from her mobile phone.Her mobile phone was not in her handbag.5. Which TWO statements about the woman are likely to be true?She prefers to exercise outdoors.She lives close to her mother.She likes to have time to herself.She is not interested in music.She does not enjoy telephone conversations.6. For which TWO reasons does the man mention exercise in the conversation?To give an example of how useful a mobile phone can beTo make a connection to one of the woman’s interestsTo explain what he means by an emergencyTo try to persuade the woman to buy a mobile phoneTo convince the woman that a mobile phone is safe
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Resultados (ruso) 3:[Dupdo]
№ 2
1: 1.отмечается, что женщина две характерные особенности музея?

, где расположен музей

что вы можете узнать о blueswick истории

что можно купить в магазине подарков

сколько комнат есть сколько парки есть в районе -

2., который два заявления – правда, про музей график?

закрыто в декабре.

закрыто семь дней в году.

он закрыт на два дня в год.

он работает на один час экскурсии по будням.

он открыт по восемь часов в день.
3.когда два тура, имеются варианты для посетителей?

один час сорок пять минут тур тур

аудио - экскурсии в себя экскурсию

полдня тур с пикника
4., который два факта говорится о дикой природе на blueswick?

животными редки в blueswick области.

в blueswick орла не может рассматриваться в другом месте.

экзотических рыб являются уникальными для blueswick области.

только медведи и орлов типичны для blueswick.

растет число медведей в районе.
5., который два факта упоминаются в ужине в связи с музеем визит?

можно только кофе в близлежащем кафе.

есть недорогой ресторан в музее.

существуют дешевые места есть поблизости.

можно съесть обед в парке рядом с.

есть только фонтанов на территории музея.
6., который два факта, вероятнее всего, правда, о blueswick музей?

не подходит для больших групп.

находится в сельской местности.

это место, чтобы провести весь день.

это a family - friendly.

он не имеет имеется автостоянка.
№ 3: 1.разговор, в основном, о котором одной темы?

значение мобильной связи в чрезвычайных ситуациях

рисков для здоровья, при использовании мобильного телефона

плюсы и минусы с мобильного телефона

важность использования при установленных при движении

дополнительные вещи мобильного телефона может сделать
2.он женщина рассказывает мужчина, которого она возражает против владельца мобильного телефона, на который по двум причинам.

она считает, люди будут беспокоить ее все время.

она считает, что мобильные телефоны никакой помощи в чрезвычайных ситуациях.

она считает, что она будет пользоваться телефоном за рулем.

она считает, что они имеют риск для здоровья.

она считает мобильные телефоны являются слишком дорогостоящими.
3.где две причины не женщина, кажется, громкой наборы для машины опасны?

энергию освобождения вызывает рак.

водителям только вести одной рукой.

люди не могут сосредоточиться на двух вещах одновременно.

водителей не сосредоточиться на трафик, когда они говорят.

руки бесплатно устанавливает причиной многих аварий.
4.две следующие верны выдержки из части история человека, рассказывает о своем друге?

кто - то пытался украсть сумочку.

только ее мобильный телефон был украден.

как ее сумку и мобильный телефон был украден.

, она не может позвонить в полицию со своего мобильного телефона.

ее мобильный телефон был не в сумочку.
5.когда два заявления о женщине, вероятно, правда?

она предпочитает осуществлять на открытом воздухе.

она живет рядом с ее матерью.

она любит есть время на себя.

она не заинтересована в музыке.

она не пользуется телефонных разговоров.
6.где две причины не человек, когда учения в разговоре?

дать пример того, насколько полезными мобильного телефона может быть

установить связь с одним из интересам женщин

объяснить, что он означает, в результате чрезвычайной ситуации

, чтобы попытаться убедить женщину, чтобы купить мобильный телефон

убедить женщину, что мобильный телефон безопасен

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