Dearest ,Thanks very much for your response to my mail. How is everyth Traducción - Dearest ,Thanks very much for your response to my mail. How is everyth español cómo decir

Dearest ,Thanks very much for your

Dearest ,

Thanks very much for your response to my mail. How is everything going over there? Hopefully you are doing well today. As I told you in my mail, my name is Lilian Khalil . a 23 year old girl. I'm (from Sudan in Africa) But presently residing in a living church missionary in Senegal as a result of civil war that was fought in my country four years ago. I'm average in size about 5.7 ft tall and 57 kg weight. I'm very beautiful and like challenges. My picture is attached for you to see me

My father's name was late Dr. Zakchariah Khalil ,and my mother's name was late Mrs Flora Khalil. I had only one brother who is late also his name was Kingsley. He died the same day my parents died in the incidence of war. My late father was the personal assistant to then vice president of Sudan john Ga-rang (DENG Z INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY PLC), in south Sudan.), my country which was destroyed during the war. When my parents died together with our only son, I managed to find my way to the coast of Africa (Senegal) through the red-cross rescue ship but it was not easy for me. Presently, I live in a missionary here to get sustained for my dear life. here is too tough and hard on me and I'm planning to seek for a better future.

Listen carefully, before the death of my late father, he deposited some amount of money in some banks in my name as the next of kin/inheritance. the amount in question is ($m5.750 Million US Dollars). that is in the BANK ,which I'm planning to claim. This is the more reason why I contacted you to seek your assistance. But before we continue I would like you to prove to me that you are a reliable person in whom I can place my confidence on and entrust my inheritance to, really I don't know you in person but hope so much that we will discover ourselves as we go on. If you are a trustworthy person, then, I would like you to help me transfer the money to your personal account, pending my arrival to meet with you and plan together how to invest the money in any business you know that will be nice for us. Then, when the money is transferred to you, you shall send me some money from it to enable me clear myself from this camp and prepare my travel to meet you. You shall take 20% of the money for your kind assistance Important note; please do not disclose this my plan with you to any other person (it is my secret. I don't want to lose this money to wicked people.

here is to hard and there is hunger too. we only feed once a day unless one receives a personal help from else where The only person who shows concerns is Reverend pastor Joshua dawba , the reverend minister in charge of the missionary,

Here in the missionary. I use his computer to communicate you. And in case you would like to hear my voice you call me with his telephone. The number is (+221-770-750-840 ) or (00221-770-750-840 )if you call tell him that you want to speak with me Lilian Khalil and he will send for me to come and answer your call or you ask him the right time to speak with me because I'm not living with him, I'm living in
the female hostel.

Please send me your full contact details.
1 Your name and country .............................
2 Your phone number..........................
3 Your work ......................
4 Your age.............

so that i can use it to write a letter of nomination to the bank so that when you contact the bank, they will know of a truth that you are coming on my behalf God bless you Best Regard
Yours in love
God bless you
Best Regard

I stop here till I hear from you,
Thanks and take care,
Ms.Lilian Khalil
De: -
Para: -
Resultados (español) 1: [Dupdo]
Dearest ,Thanks very much for your response to my mail. How is everything going over there? Hopefully you are doing well today. As I told you in my mail, my name is Lilian Khalil . a 23 year old girl. I'm (from Sudan in Africa) But presently residing in a living church missionary in Senegal as a result of civil war that was fought in my country four years ago. I'm average in size about 5.7 ft tall and 57 kg weight. I'm very beautiful and like challenges. My picture is attached for you to see meMy father's name was late Dr. Zakchariah Khalil ,and my mother's name was late Mrs Flora Khalil. I had only one brother who is late also his name was Kingsley. He died the same day my parents died in the incidence of war. My late father was the personal assistant to then vice president of Sudan john Ga-rang (DENG Z INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANY PLC), in south Sudan.), my country which was destroyed during the war. When my parents died together with our only son, I managed to find my way to the coast of Africa (Senegal) through the red-cross rescue ship but it was not easy for me. Presently, I live in a missionary here to get sustained for my dear life. here is too tough and hard on me and I'm planning to seek for a better future.Listen carefully, before the death of my late father, he deposited some amount of money in some banks in my name as the next of kin/inheritance. the amount in question is ($m5.750 Million US Dollars). that is in the BANK ,which I'm planning to claim. This is the more reason why I contacted you to seek your assistance. But before we continue I would like you to prove to me that you are a reliable person in whom I can place my confidence on and entrust my inheritance to, really I don't know you in person but hope so much that we will discover ourselves as we go on. If you are a trustworthy person, then, I would like you to help me transfer the money to your personal account, pending my arrival to meet with you and plan together how to invest the money in any business you know that will be nice for us. Then, when the money is transferred to you, you shall send me some money from it to enable me clear myself from this camp and prepare my travel to meet you. You shall take 20% of the money for your kind assistance Important note; please do not disclose this my plan with you to any other person (it is my secret. I don't want to lose this money to wicked is to hard and there is hunger too. we only feed once a day unless one receives a personal help from else where The only person who shows concerns is Reverend pastor Joshua dawba , the reverend minister in charge of the missionary,Here in the missionary. I use his computer to communicate you. And in case you would like to hear my voice you call me with his telephone. The number is (+221-770-750-840 ) or (00221-770-750-840 )if you call tell him that you want to speak with me Lilian Khalil and he will send for me to come and answer your call or you ask him the right time to speak with me because I'm not living with him, I'm living inthe female hostel.Please send me your full contact details.1 Your name and country .............................2 Your phone number..........................3 Your work ......................4 Your that i can use it to write a letter of nomination to the bank so that when you contact the bank, they will know of a truth that you are coming on my behalf God bless you Best RegardYours in love God bless you Best RegardI stop here till I hear from you,Thanks and take care,Ms.Lilian Khalil
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Resultados (español) 2:[Dupdo]
Queridísimos, Muchas gracias por su respuesta a mi correo. ¿Cómo va todo por ahí? Con suerte que está haciendo bien en la actualidad. Como te dije en mi correo, mi nombre es Lilian Khalil. una niña de 23 años de edad. Soy (de Sudán en África), pero que reside actualmente en una iglesia misionera que vive en Senegal, como resultado de la guerra civil que se libró en mi país hace cuatro años. Estoy de tamaño medio, alrededor de 5,7 pies de altura y 57 kg de peso. Estoy muy bellas y como retos. Mi imagen se adjunta para que me veas el nombre de mi padre era difunto Dr. Zakchariah Jalil, y el nombre de mi madre era tarde Sra flora Khalil. Sólo tenía un hermano que se tardía también se llamaba Kingsley. Murió el mismo día en que mis padres murieron en la incidencia de la guerra. Mi difunto padre fue el asistente personal del entonces vicepresidente de Sudán John Ga-rang (Deng Z INDUSTRIAL Technology Company PLC), en el sur de Sudán.), Mi país que fue destruido durante la guerra. Cuando mis padres murieron junto con nuestro único hijo, me las arreglé para encontrar mi camino a la costa de África (Senegal) a través de la nave de rescate de la cruz roja, pero no fue fácil para mí. Actualmente, vivo en un misionero aquí para ser sostenida por mi querida vida. aquí es demasiado duro y difícil para mí y tengo la intención de buscar un futuro mejor. Escucha con cuidado, antes de la muerte de mi difunto padre, que depositó cierta cantidad de dinero en algunos bancos en mi nombre como los familiares / herencia . la cantidad en cuestión es ($ m5.750 millones de dólares USA). que está en el banco, que tengo la intención de reclamar. Esta es una razón más por entré en contacto con usted a buscar su ayuda. Pero antes de continuar me gustaría que me demuestras que eres una persona de confianza en quien puedo poner mi confianza en y confiar mi herencia para, de verdad que no lo conozco en persona, pero espero tanto que nos mostraremos a medida que avanzamos. Si usted es una persona de confianza y, a continuación, me gustaría que me ayude a transferir el dinero a su cuenta personal, a la espera de mi llegada para reunirse con usted y el plan en conjunto la forma de invertir el dinero en cualquier negocio que usted sabe que va a ser bueno para nosotros . Entonces, cuando el dinero se transfiere a usted, usted me ha de enviar algo de dinero de ella para permitir a despejar a mí mismo de este campamento y preparar mi viaje para conocerlo. Tomarás el 20% del dinero para su amable asistencia Nota importante; por favor no revelar esta mi plan con usted para cualquier otra persona (que es mi secreto. No quiero perder este dinero a la gente mala. aquí es dura y hay hambre también. que solo se alimentan una vez al día a menos que uno recibe una ayuda personal de otro donde la única persona que muestra las preocupaciones es el pastor reverendo dawba Joshua, el ministro reverendo a cargo del misionero, Aquí en el misionero. yo uso la computadora para comunicarse contigo. Y en caso de que quisiera oír mi voz que me llama con su teléfono. El número es (+ 221-770-750-840) o (00221-770-750-840) si se llama a decirle que usted quiere hablar conmigo Lilian Khalil y él enviará para yo viniera a responder a su llamada o se le pregunta el momento adecuado para hablar conmigo porque no estoy viviendo con él, estoy viviendo en el albergue femenino. por favor, envíenme sus datos de contacto. 1 su nombre y país. ............................ 2 Su número de teléfono .................. ........ 3 Su trabajo ...................... 4 Su edad ............. por lo que yo pueda usarlo para escribir una carta de nominación al banco de manera que cuando se comunique con el banco, ellos sabrán de una verdad que vas a venir en mi nombre que Dios los bendiga Mejor relación Atentamente en el amor que Dios los bendiga Mejor relación paro aquí hasta que escucho de ti, Gracias y cuidar, Ms.Lilian Khalil

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