McDonald's stirs up battle with Starbucks Starbucks' Chief Executive J Traducción - McDonald's stirs up battle with Starbucks Starbucks' Chief Executive J latín cómo decir

McDonald's stirs up battle with Sta

McDonald's stirs up battle with Starbucks
Starbucks' Chief Executive Jim Donald - who has presided over a 50 per cenl decline in the retailer's share price in the last 12 months - is to be replaced by founder and Chairman Howard Schultz. His appointment comes after a dark 12 months for Starbucks, which has seen it lose out to rivals such as Dunkin' Donuts and McDonald's, who have begun to replicate its success. Schultz is now set to slow the expansion of the retailer's growth in the US, closing under- performing stores in direct response to the slowing North American economy. Instead, he will focus on the company's international plans, using money originally earmarked for US store openings for its global expansion plans. Fast-food giant McDonald's is set to take on Starbucks in the competitive coffee market, with plans to open coffee bars across the United States. McDonald's, until now better known for Big Mac burgers than its beverages, yesterday detailed plans to roll out coffee bars complete with their own 'baristas' in its near-14,OOO North American stores. Although there is no fixed timescale for the rollout, trials are already under way, and it is believed the push could add $1 bn a year to McDonald's S21.6bn of 50 annual sales. The aim is to compete head-to-head with Starbucks in the ever-increasing brewed coffee market. The trial involves recruiting 'baristas' - a term made famous by Starbucks - to stores, where espresso machines are displayed at the counter, so allowing customers to actually see the drinks being made. This is in direct contrast to McDonald's traditional approach, where products tend to be made out of sight from the consumer. McDonald's is also trying to demystify the at times confusing Starbucks approach to coffee, replacing sizes such as 'venti' and 'grande' with a simplistic small, medium and large. In a direct side-swipe at its coffee-focused rival, it is even going so far as to use the difficulties customers often have in pronouncing words like 'latte' in consumer advertising in Kansas City, where one of the trials is taking place. A McDonald's spokesman told the Daily Telegraph that the push is part of the company's global focus on offering 'great products at great value', suggesting the price point will be somewhat lower than that of Starbucks. The move follows on from a previous roll-out of its coffee products, and is part of a wider re-imaging of many of its stores.
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Resultados (latín) 1: [Dupdo]
McDonald scriptor excitat pugnam cum Starbucks
Starbucks 'summum exsecutiva Jim Donald - Qui praefuit a L per cent declinet in partem retailer price in novissimis XII menses - est ut ponerentur inter Conditores et Praesidem Howard Schultz. XII menses post creant caliginoso starbucks quae ad fecundum quale vidistis amittat Dunkin 'Donuts McDonald scriptor et qui coepit replicare successu. Schultz est iam paro ut tardus expansionem retailer augmentum in US, operti under- faciendo stores directe responsio ad tarditatem in North American oeconomia. Instead, et focus in comitatu scriptor international consilia, uti pecunia eroganda dilapidet primitus US store foramina eius global dilatatio consilia. Ieiunii cibum adsumere starbucks gigas est McDonald scriptor capulus competitive in foro cum vectibus quamque rem aperiam nulla eros. McDonald scriptor, usque in præsentem diem notior Big Mac burgers quam potiones heri rex Ahaz evolvis coffee completum cum vectibus suis 'baristas' in near-XIV, OOO North American stores. Licet autem nullum extet certum timescale pro rollout, iudicia sunt iam sub modo, et ideo creditum est impulsus posset add I $ bn a temporibus anni usque ad McDonald scriptor S21.6bn of L annui sales. In hac intentio est caput capitis periculum in dies crescit starbucks mixtam nulla consequat. Iudicio involvit conscribendi 'baristas' - a term clarus factus Starbucks - to stores, ubi espresso machinae exercentur proponendum calculo sic sino elit ut vere animadverto potus factus. Hoc e diametro oppositum accessu mcdonald enucleata quo tendere productorum ex oculis a dolor. McDonald scriptor etiam trying to the demystify interdum confundens Starbucks accessum ad capulus, repositoque moles qualis 'venti et grande' cum infans parva, medium et magnam. In at nulla focused directo alterius lateris ungunt, non usque adeo quoad usum verborum nuncupando difficultatibus saepe elit, latte in dolor in dolor City, ubi de causis fit. Cotidie adipiscing dictum dis quam interpres mcdonald A pars global dolor dolor offerens magna products tanti, quanti hoc modo consilium quam inferius Starbucks. Moventur nulla sequitur ex praecedenti capite de uber-et-de re latius imaginatione plerique traduntur.
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