heyy, thx for adding me...i had your username saved from a while ago,  Traducción - heyy, thx for adding me...i had your username saved from a while ago,  croata cómo decir

heyy, thx for adding me...i had you

heyy, thx for adding me...i had your username saved from a while ago, are you on any dating sites?
cant really remember how i got ur username.. but recently i got out of a relationship and i was hitting up guys i thought were cute lol...so u single?
well either way its ok with me ;) BUT, you must be into blonde girls..are you?
lol every guy is c'mon :P http://i.imgur.com/sfNst0S.jpg heres a pic i uploaded last night, you like? :)
i think i found you on a social networking site or something, i cant remember babe
i love to feel sexy...where would you like me to put those pretty red lips?? ;)

heres my profile http://6hZ15YylYZj.camplaylocals.com if you go there it'll have myprofile pic, but once you hit join it will display my camera to you ;) better not record me!
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Resultados (croata) 1: [Dupdo]
Heyy, thx za mene dodavanje ... ja je vaše korisničko ime spasio od prije nekog vremena, su ti na bilo dating web stranice?
licemjerje sjećam kako sam dobio ur ime .. ali nedavno sam izašla iz veze i ja se udarajući se dečki ? ja mislio su slatka lol ... pa u jednim
te ili način njezina ok sa mnom), ali, morate biti u plavu girls..are ste?
lol svaki tip je C'mon: P http: //i.imgur .com / sfNst0S.jpg krivovjerje slika ustupio sam sinoć, volite? :)
Mislim da sam vas pronašao na društvenoj mreži ili nešto, ja ne mogu sjetiti beba
Volim se osjećati seksi ... gdje bi mi htjeli staviti one lijepe crvene usne ?? ;) Evo moj profil http://6hZ15YylYZj.camplaylocals.com ako idete tamo ćete imati myprofile slika, ali nakon što hit pridružiti će se prikazati moj fotoaparat za vas;) nije mi bolje snimiti!

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