Resultados (
lituano) 1:
41-OMEGA FAILĄ 522 Galapagų, Ekvadoras"Turiu savo saulės skrybėlės?" minėtos Arla. "Kodėl?" Užduodami Judas. "Kur mes einame dabar?" "Pietų Amerika," Arla sako. "Didelis vieta," sakė Lina. "Kaip apie Čilės? Man patinka Čilės. " "Ne, tai Ekvadoras. You gonna Galapagų yra žemių, tūkstančius kilometrų, ir Ramiojo vandenyno. " "Oi teisė," sakė laumžirgis. "Ar ketinate Papasakok, kodėl?" Arla atrodė nelaimingas. "Threr's kažkas keisto vyksta. EDI vis laiškus kiekvieną dieną iš Galapagai. They'er Viskas apie Isabela Island, ir jie visi sako tai, kaip ši. " Jis davė laumžirgis ir Judas popieriaus. Laumžirgis ir Judas pažvelgė Arla, ir tada juoktis. "Yra daug kvailai žmonių ten internete," sakė Judas. "Tu netiki tai vienas - tu?" "Galbūt tai yra pamišęs, ir galbūt tai ne," sakė Arla. "Bet kai mes laišką atgal su klausimais, jie negali atsakyti. Amerikiečiai žiūrite salos palydovą, tačiau jie nenori mums papasakoti kodėl. Yra du Australianships ten eiti. Meksikos yra labai malonu gauti, o kad Ecuadorians sako nieko... Kažkas vyksta Isabela. kas tai? Mes norime žinoti. " * * * * * * * Iš Briuselio į Galapagai yra labai toli. Laumžirgis ir Judas paėmė plokštumoje Kuba, antrasis lėktuvas į Ecuadoor, tada trečiosios plokštuma į salą Baltra, Galapagai. Kai jie išlipo iš lėktuvo, karšto oro sieną hit juos. "FIU," sakė laumžirgis. Jis įdėti į kepurę saulės greitai. "Jie nuėjo per Santa Kruso sala ir iki puerto Ayora. Ten jie rado valtis, jūrų liūtai, imtis juos Isabela, maždaug 90 kilometrų kelio. Iš pradžių keltininkas, Gonzalo, nenorėjo priimti juos. "Mano valtis gali būti dešimt žmonių," sakė jis. "Tai labai gera valtis, bet labai brangus ir tik dviems asmenims." Jude jam nusišypsojo. "Ne už dviejų turtingų žmonių." "Turtingas?" sakė laumžirgis. "Tai ne mūsų pinigus - o!"Jude trenkė sunku ant rankos. Mes atostogas, "ji sakė Gonzalo. Mes norime pamatyti milžinišką vėžliai Isabela. "ji pažvelgė laumžirgis. Ne mes? Er, taip. That's right, "sakė laumžirgis greitai. Mes labai suinteresuoti milžinišką vėžliai. " Pakeliui į salą Jude eead knygą apie Galapagų ir laumžirgis žiūrėjo į jūrą. "Isabela yra labai jauni sala," Jude jam. "Ir jis turi - klausytis!-šeši ugnikalniai. Vienas prasidėjo tik prieš du metus. " "Oh that's great!" Minėtos laumžirgis. "Crazy laiškus, keistais lankytojų viduryje Ramiojo vandenyno, ir dabar išsiverždavo ugnikalniai! Ačiū, Arla! " Ne daug žmonių gyveno Isabela ir puerto Villamil buvo paprastai mieguistas vieta. Bet kai jūrų Liūtas atvyko, ten buvo apie penkiasdešimt žmonių donw prie jūros. Ten buvo du maži laivai, ir ant jų laumžirgis ir Judas galėjo pamatyti kėdės ir stalai, lovos, dėžės ir krepšiai ir dviratis. Gonzalo vienaląsčius ispanų kalba žmonės laivų, tada kreipėsi į laumžirgis ir Judas. "Daug žmonių yra laeving Isabela," sakė jis. "Jie bijo." 'Afraid of what?' asked Jude. 'Go and talk to them, Hawker. Your Spanish is better than mine.' Hawker. came back half an hour later. 'You're not going to believe this,' he told Jude. The people here say there's a spaceship on Isbela. It came down ten day ago, right down inside volcano Alcedo. And it's still there.' 'How do they know that?'said Jude. 'There's an Australian, Dr Jim Miller, up on Alcedo. He works here, studying giant tortoises. He saw the spaceship, and now he's waithing for the visitors to come out.' 'So the "visitors" in those emails are extraterrestrials. ETs. Little green men from another planet. Oh dear,' said Jude . 'Can we go home now, Hawker?' Hawker laughed. 'No, we can't. We climb Volcano Alcedo,' he said. 'Talk to Dr Miller. Say hello to the ETs.' 'Oh dear,' Jude said again. 'I was afraid of that.' Gonzalo took them in the Sea-Lion up to Shipton Cove. There, very early the next morning, Hawker and Jude began their climb up the volcano. 'There is a path,' Gonzalo told them, but it is five hours to the top and hard climbing. And very, very hot. You must carry water - two litres for one person for one day. You must alerp at et the top and come down tomorrow - but not when the sun is high in the sky. And be careful, please!' 'Careful of the spaceship visitors, you mean?' Said Jude. 'I don't know about spaceships,' smiled Gonzalo, 'but Volcano Alcedo is always a little excited - she is always doing something new.' It was a very hard climb. After two hours, they stopped under some trees. They drank some water and looked out over the blue sea. The black volcanic rocks under their feet were hot from the sun. 'It's so beautiful here,' said Jude. 'Mmm. Yes and no,' said Hawker. Then, 'Hey, Jude! Look! That animal, over there by that rock. What - is - it?' 'Oh, wow!' whispered Jude. 'It's an iguana - a Galapagos iguana. Isn't he wonderful?' The iguana stared at them with its hot orange eyes, and did not move. Its body was about a metre long, and an orange-yellowy colour. It looks about a thousand years old,' said Hawker. 'A very strange animal.' 'Everything about this island is strange,' said Jude. They climbed and climbed, and the sun got hotter and hotter. After three more hours they came to the top, and looked down into the great crater of Alcedo, two hundred metres deep and seven kilometres across. To the north and the south they could see more volcanoes, and across the sea to the west the island of Fernandina - but they could not see Dr Miller or his camp. 'We need to go round the crater to the south,' said Hawker. 'It's another two hours' walk, the villagers said.' It was hard walking over the black lava rock, and once Hawker nearly fell. Jude caught his arm. 'Don't break a leg here,' she said. 'I don't want to cayyy you back down to the boat.' 'Why not?' said Hawker. 'I carried you home once.' 'We weren't on top a of a volcano then,' said Jude. At last they saw Dr Miller's camp,and ten minutes later they arrived. Dr Miller was short, very brown, and angry. 'Go away!' he shouted. 'You're Americans, aren't you?''No, we aren't,' said Hawker. 'We're Euroean. How do you do, Dr Miller?' 'What are you doing here?' he said angrily. 'We'd like to talk you,' said Jude quietly. 'About the spaceship down donw in the crater. Why are you soangry?' 'Because nobody listens to me!' said Dr Miller. 'Nobody believes me! The Americans say, "Oh, crazy man!". The Australian government says, "Get some sleep!" What can i do? Something very important is happening on this planet, and nobody is listening!' 'Well, we're here now, and we're listening,' Jude said. Dr Miller looked at them. 'Who do you work for?' 'Europe,' said Hawker. 'Europe is very interested in this spaceship. Please tell us about it.' 'Ah, the emails did get through, then,' said Dr Miller. 'Who did the emails come from?' asked Hawker. 'Ecuadorian friends,' said Dr Miller. 'Over on Santa Cruz. Look, I've got some beer here. You want one?' They sat on the black lava rocks under the hot sun, and drank hot beer. Below them clouds of smoke and steam moved this way and that way across the carter. And was there, under those clouds, a spaceship from another planet? Sometimes I think I can see it down there,' said Jim Miller, 'but mostly I can't. It's a great white thing, and long legs came out of it when it came down.' 'But why here, Jim?' said Jude. 'Why into a volcano?'
'Who knows?' Said Jim. 'Perhaps they like hot places. Perhaps they need something from the hot lava.'
'And why are you angry with the Americans, Jim?' Hawker asked. 'I know their beer's no good, but...'
'They watched this spaceship on their satellite. I know they did. They know it's here, but they don't want the world to know. They don't want people like you and me to meet any extraterrestrial visitors. Oh no! They want it all to be a big secret. Then they can be top dog.'
Just then there was a sudden noise, a BOOM deep below the ground. 'What...what was that,Jim?' Asked Jude.'
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